Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey peeps. Oh my goodness has it been a crazy early October. So sorry I am so horrible at getting these posts up :( Well, well, well, what do you know, it's Cervantino!! Okay for those of you that do not know what Cervantino is, I shall explain. Cervantino is a month long arts festival which Guanajuato has been putting on now for 36 years. Every year a different state is invited to perform during the month of October, this year the state of Campeche, a state located in Spain, was invited to Cervantino. During the Cervantino experience, Guanajuato is filled with tourists. The past two weeks I've seen more white people than I have in a long time. The plazas are filled with real maniqueins, dressed as silver cowboys, greek gods, and angels, which move to a new position for ten pesos and live performers. So far I have seen some pretty amazing events at the Alhondiga, the outdoor venue which is absolutely free. The first event I attended was the Ballet Folklorico from Campeche. It was beautiful, they incorporated live music, singing and dancing to tell a little story. Not only was the dancing spectacular, so were the costumes. The picture above is of a fan that the state of Campeche was giving out for free (yay free souvenirs!!).

The second
show I attended was the Aluminum Show, it was crazy and I can't even begin to explain what it was like. It was sort of like Blue man Group on.... aluminum pills? It made me laugh really hard, I'll put up a video so everyone can see what I'm talking about. Then, I went to see the Harlem Jubilee Gospel Choir at the church in Valenciana, it was absolutely gorgeous!! And the music was outstanding. There were a set of Duke Ellington songs which were absolutely beautiful, they were in this jazz swing that gave me goosebumps. Recently, I went to see Dj's makossa and megablast, it was interesting to say the least, but for the most part I enjoyed it. This Friday I plan on attending the Pancho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band performance, can't wait. Then next week I have tickets to the Pilobolus Dance Theatre at the Auditorio del Estado. This month is flying by, and I have a feeling it's only going to get faster. A week from tomorrow our Spanish professors from Cal Lutheran are coming to visit us, "to see if we're going to class during Cervantino". I am looking forward to seeing them and telling them all about our experience thus far. Well thats all for now folks, I'll catch you up again soon :)

1 comment:

Outcalt Family said...

We wish we were there with you, it sounds fabulous! I can't believe the shows are free. Take it all in, and take lots of pictures:)
